User Experience(UX) Session Configuration

In the configuration section, you can configure or perform different operations such as adding, deleting and updating the configuration for different session settings. The following configuration settings are available for a session:

  • A/B Variation
  • UX Agent Settings
  • UX Server Settings
  • Callback Designer
  • UX Config

Accessing the Session Configuration Settings

To open the configuration settings for a session:

  1. Click the Configuration icon .
  2. Select User Experience Sessions, as shown in the following figure:
Figure 235: User Experience Session

A/B Variation

The variation window enables you to compare two versions of a web page to determine the performance. You can compare two web pages by showing the two variants to similar visitors at the same time.

  1. Click the Configuration icon .
  2. Select Sessions > A/B Variation. The NV Variations window is displayed:
Figure 236: AB Variation

To add a new variation:

  1. Click the Add The Add New Variation window is displayed:
Figure 237: Add New Variation

2. Specify a variation name and brief description.

3. Select a page for applying the variation.

4. Specify the URL pattern.

5. Select a channel.

6. Click Save.

NV Settings

This section is used to configure the NetVision Agent Settings.

  1. Click the Configuration icon .
  2. Select Sessions > UX-Agent-Settings. The UX Agent Settings window is displayed:
Figure 238: UX-Agent-Settings

Add UX Agent Settings

To add configuration settings, click the add button . The Add UX Agent Settings window is displayed:

Figure 239: Add New Configuration
  • Profile Name: Provide a profile name.
  • Channel Name: Provide a channel name.
  • Type: Defines the type of application to be used.
  • Description: Provides a description of the configuration.

Edit UX Agent Settings

To update configuration settings, click the edit button . The Edit UX Agent Settings window is displayed:

Figure 240: Edit UX-Agent Settings

General Settings

  • Beacon URL: Here we provide the domain name or IP of the NV server. The URL is responsible for capturing NV information. For eg- //< NV Server>/test_rum.
  • Site Domain: This field is used to set the NV cookie on those domains whose domain name is not resolved by HPD.
  • Capture Long Task: Enable it to capture the long task happening on the UI which is making the main UI thread busy for 50 ms or longer.
  • Enable Worker: A web worker is Java Script that runs in the background, independently of the other scripts, without affecting the performance of the page.
  • EnableCvrAllPages: In this we don’t wait for the page to be ready, rather we send timing once the library initiates.
  • Monitor Iframe: It is used to capture adds data for NetVision replay.
  • WPD events: Turn this on to get notified if web page if distorted.
  • Log NDSession: Enable this to get ND information on NV page.
  • Visitor Information: Enable this to get the visitor information traversed on the same browser using CavVI cookie.
  • Log Level: It denotes the level of logs specified. There are 4 log levels.
  • Visitor expiry time: It is the expiry time for the CavVI cookie responsible for tracking visitor information.
  • BlackList Id: Here we provide ids which are available multiple times on the same page to block those id’s and use xpath instead.
  • Data Flush Interval: This is the interval in seconds provided to flush the data captured of the user activity.
  • LoginidLowerCase: Enable this to get the login id of the user only in lower case.
  • Cookie Size: It denotes the size of the cookie. A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in the user’s web browser while the user is browsing.
  • Maximum Session duration size: It specifies the max time a session can be run on a browser.
  • Domwatcher Mode: Mode to enable the domwatcher so that they can capture the Dom changes on the webpage.
  • Channel Callback: Here we can write the callbacks (code) to define the channel like Mobile, desktop etc.
  • Page Ready Validator Callback: This is a JavaScript callback to check if a page is loaded successfully. This is required for pages which load its resources through XHR requests.
  • Remote Config Mode: This mode is set to decide which config is used, either client side config or local config.
  • BlackList Cookies: It is a list of sensitive cookies. These cookies are not captured by NetVision JS Agent.
  • Session Flags: List of session level flags. These flags are like cookies in the browser. Can be updated by JS APIs.
  • Resource Timing Capture Mode: This mode is used to set to enable or disable the resource timing from the browser.
Figure 241: General


  • Page Entries:
Figure 242: Config
  1. . Page ID-  It denoted the page id of the page.
  2. URL Pattern- It denotes the pattern of the URL.
  3. URL Pattern Type-Shows the URL pattern type.
  4. Complete URL Flag- Shows whether the URL flag is complete or not in terms of true or false.

User action

This plugin captures user actions done by real users on any web application. It is enabled by default. If the Useraction plugin is disabled, then OCX data (Pagedump and DOM Changes) will not be captured.

Figure 243: User Action
  • Enabled: Turn on to capture user activity of the user on app.
  • Enable KeyPress: Turn on to capture keyboard shortcut key in NetVision.


  • Enabled: Turn on to monitor the auto filled in input fields of the web app.
  • Frequency (msec): We have to mention the frequency in the useraction requests.

Ajax Monitor

It is used to get the details of ajax requests going in the application.

Figure 244: AjaxMonitor
  • Enabled: Turn on to get the details of ajax requests going in the application.
  • LogFailedAjax: Enable to capture the failed xhr of an ajax request.
  • Capture Cross Domain: To capture the cross domain in ajax request.
  • Capture Header Failure: Capture header on failure.
  • Capture Post Data Failure: Capture post data of failed ajax.
  • Capture Header: To capture the header in ajax request.
  • Capture Post Data: To capture the post data in ajax request.
  • Capture Response: To capture the response in ajax request.
  • Capture Resource Timing: It is used to capture resource timing of ajax call.
  • Log Event on Ajax Failure: It will log an event indicating the failure ajax call at page.
  • Correlation Header: To capture the header in ajax request.

Filter Entries


1. Blaklist:
If we select blacklist,  we cannot see any request in XHR calls.
2. Whitelist: If we select whitelist, we can see the request in  XHR calls.


  • Add
  • Domain-Enter the full or partial name of the domain.
  • Domain Pattern– Regular expression for domain name.
  • Path: Enter the partial or full path.
  • Path Pattern: Enter the regular expression matching the path
  • Edit
  • Delete


Domwatcher2 is used to capture dom-watcher data on an NV server.

Figure 245: Domwatcher2
  • Enabled: It is used to capture dom-watcher data on an NV server.
  • Compress Domchanges: This keyword is used to capture the dom changes in dom request.
  • Filter Unexpected: This keyword is used to filter all the unwanted DOM elements on the web.
  • Idle state timeout (msec): Plugins will record XHR calls and clicks. If there is no XHR call or user actions for this timeout value, then the state will be changed to unexpected changes and all the DOM changes during this state will be discarded.
  • Filter Elements: This is used to filter all the elements in dom request. There are multiple entities such as: Add, Edit and Delete.
  • XHR Module: If enable is true, then ajax or xhr records will be captured.
  • Options: Options for XHR module:

A: LogFailedAjax: To capture the failed xhr of an ajax request.

B: Capture Cross Domain: To capture the cross domain in dom request. If it is enabled, we can capture otherwise we cannot.

C: Capture Header: To capture the failed xhr of an ajax request.

D: Capture Post Data: To capture the post data in ajax request.

E: Capture Response: To capture the response in ajax request.


  • Filter Entities
    A: Mode:
    If we select blacklist, we cannot see any request in XHR calls.
    2. Whitelist: If we select whitelist, we can see the request in  XHR calls.

  • Entities
    2. Edit
    3: Delete

Check Point

Checkpoints are used to match a certain string which is displayed on the site on the occurrence of an event such as: Coupon expired, item out of stock, session expired etc.

Figure 246: Checkpoint

The checkpoints are mapped with events.

  • When strings are matched, the associated Event name is displayed in session.
  • Enabled: It is used to capture checkpoint data during session recording.
  • Entities: It is used to display the list of the checkpoints.


Checkpoint Entries

The check point entries have the following fields:

  • Name
  • Event Name
  • Pages
  • Scope
  • Selector
  • Rules
  • Match

Resource Timing Filter

Click the ResourceTimingFilter tab to display the filter resources:

Figure 247: Resource Timing Filter

You can configure the following options in this window:

  • Mode: It is used to enable or disable the resource timing filter.
  • Percentage: It is used to set the filter percentage from all pages.
  • Max Page Load Time: It is the maximum page load time.
  • Domain: It Specifies the substring of any resources to be filtered.

OCX Filter

 Click the OCX Filter tab to display the OCX filter resources:

Figure 248: OCX Filter

You can configure the following options in this window:

  • Enabled: It is used to enable OCX data filtering on pages.
  • PCT: It specifies the applicability of the OCXFilter on pages.
  • Maximum Page: It is used to specify the maximum number of pages after which you want the OCX data to be flushed for a session.
  • Batch Size: It is used to send the requests data in the specified batch size.
  • Dump State: It is used to specify the state i.e.: BROWSER STATE, SESSION STATE and BUYER STATE.


SPA is used to monitor single page applications, based on the angular/history framework.

Figure 249:SPA
  • You can configure the following options in this window:
  1. Enabled:  Turn on to monitor single page applications, based on the angular/history framework.
  2. Framework:  It is used to capture the FPA framework like: angular, history and hashchange.
  3. Ignore Frame: Ignore frame load while calculation of onload for soft navigated pages.
  4. Ignore Image: Ignore image load while calculation of onload for soft navigated pages.
  • XHR Module: XHR module for calculation of load time of soft transaction.
  • Options: Configuration of XHR module:

A: LogFailedAjax: To capture the failed xhr of an ajax request.

B: Capture Cross Domain: To capture the cross domain in SPA request.

C: Capture Header: To capture the failed xhr of an SPA request.

D: Capture Post Data: To capture the post data in SPA request.

E: Capture Response: To capture the response in SPA request.

  • Filter Entities:
    A: Mode:
    If we select blacklist, we cannot see any request in XHR calls.
    2. Whitelist: If we select whitelist, we can see the request in  XHR calls.

  • Entities:
    2. Edit
    3: Delete


Error Tracing

Error Tracing is used to capture the Js Errors of application.

Figure 250: Error Tracing

You can configure the following options in this window:
1. Enabled:  Turn on to capture the Js Errors of application.

  1. 2. Trigger Event: Turn on to trigger an event.
  2. 3. Log Stack Trace: It is used to log stack trace in case of any failure
    Filter Cross origin JS Error:
    This mode will disable cross origin js error capturing.
    5. Maximum Error per Page:  It defines the maximum error which can occur on a single page.

Filter: Filtering will enable capturing JS error for a given percentage of pages only.

User Timing

User Timing interface captures the mark and measure events of the browser, configured by the applications developer at some point.

Figure 251: User Timing

User timing is captured when the mode is enabled.

AB Testing

AB testing is sometimes also called Split Testing is done by comparing two versions of a web page to see which one performs better.

Figure 252: AB Testing
  • Enabled- Turn on to capture the AB testing data.
  • Variation- In variation, you have the following fields:
  • Variation ID
  • PageList
  • Traffic (%)
  • URL
  • Variation Rule
  • Variation Goal


This plugin will encode the data and will send it as a useraction record to NV Server.

Figure 253: EQueue
  • Enabled: Turn on to capture the equeue request.
  • Library Path: It is the path of the encryption library in EQueue


Feedback plug in is used to capture the Feedback Data.

Figure 254: Feedback
  • Enabled: Feedback request is captured when the mode is enabled.
  • feedbackPosition: Position of Send Feedback button on Web Application.
  • Feedback Plugin URL: To specify the feedback plugin url in feedback form.


Secure client authentication captures the client authentication records.

Figure 255: SCA
  • Enabled: Turn on to capture the client authentication records.
  • Encryption: This is used to encrypt the data.

Cross Origin

This plugin will allow to capture OCX data from multiple domains and merge them in one single session.

Figure 256: Cross Origin

It will load an intermediate iframe and will copy all the cookies to that iframe.

  • Enabled: Turn on to capture OCX data from multiple domains.
  • Group: Group is a common name for all the origins for which sessions need to be merged.
    It should be the same in configuration of all the origins. Ex: Tours Group.

  • Frame URL: It is the URL of the immediate It should be the same for all the origins.
    Ex: >//<nv-server>/nv/ClientId/nv_cross_origin.html


Form analytics captures user involvement with the forms of web applications.

Figure 257: FA
  • Enabled: Turn on to capture the Form analytics
  • BlackList: Turn on to hide the user information. Ex: User login credentials.
Figure 258: Blacklist
  1. Add:

In add, we have the following options:

  • Form: It will blacklist all the forms in the fields.
  • PageId: It is a mandatory field to select pageId from the drop down when a user is trying to blacklist the form or form field.
  • Field: It will blacklist the input text

B: Edit: In edit, users can edit the blacklist.

C: Delete: In delete, users can delete the blacklist.


Service Worker

  • A service worker is a script that a browser runs in a background.
Figure 259: Service Worker

Enabled:  Turn on to use the service worker for capturing NV information.

  • Frame URL: IFrame url needed for installing service workers.

Ex: >//<nv-server>/nv/clientId//cavnv_sw_iframe.html

  • Service worker URL: Url for service worker file which has service workers callbacks.
    Ex: >https://<nv-server>/nv/<clientId>/sw.js.


  • It is just an additional configuration for callbacks.
Figure 260: CallBack
  • Filter (%): This percentage will be used for displaying data point value (can be used for debugging) while executing callback.


  • It is used to monitor the clicks on the document based on the element selector/textcontent present in the configuration.
Figure 261: ClickMonitor
  • Enabled: Turn on to capture the clicks of the webpage.
  • Page List: It shows the page list value.
  • Complete Document: If enabled, ClickEvent with the same custom data will be raised once on page.
  • FireOnce: If enabled, ClickEvent will be raised onces no matter how many times the clicks occurred on that particular configured element.
  • Elements: It specifies element details of which you want to monitor the clicks.
Figure 262: Element
  1. Add:

In add, we have the following options

  • Selector: It is used to display the Selector Value.
  • Text Content: It is used to display the Text Content Values.
  • Page List: It is used to display the Page List Values.
  • Events: It is used to display the Event Values.

B: Edit: In edit, users can edit the blacklist.

C: Delete: In delete, users can delete the blacklist.

Monitor Console

  • It is used to capture console information (log, info, warn & error) in NV.
Figure 263: Monitor Console
  • Enabled: Turn on to capture the Monitor Console
  • Level: Select the error or warning.
  • Maximum Logs (#): Maximum number of logs to be captured on page.
  • Maximum Errors (#): Maximum number of errors to be captured on page.
  • Maximum Message Length: Maximum length of message captured in NV of console API.
  • Filter:
    Filtering Percentage:
    Percentage of filtering of console information on session level.
    B. Blacklist Pattern: Specify pattern of message which should not be captured.

Callback Designer

In JavaScript, functions are objects. Because of this, functions can take functions as arguments, and can be returned by other functions. Functions that do this are called higher-order functions. Any function that is passed as an argument and subsequently called by the function that receives it, is called a callback function.

In NetVision, a lot of callbacks are used, which are defined in config.js. These callbacks are required in the following:

  • Log an event
  • Custom metrics
  • Order Total
  • Revenue
  • Transactions
  • Page Transition, and more



  • A user with no knowledge of javascript or jquery will be assisted to create callbacks.
  • Code will be free from syntax errors.
  • Less time will be consumed.
  • A user cannot add code to modify existing DOM elements using callback.
  • Constants cannot be used inside a callback directly and required to be defined as a variable.
Figure 264: CallBack

Add CallBack

You can also add callback. You have the following fields:

Figure 265: Add CallBack
  • Name: Enter the name of the callback.
  • Description: Enter the description in this field.
  • Execute On: Mentioned the date of execution.
  • Pages: Select the required page from the drop-down.
  • Channel: Select the channel name.
  • Profile: Select the profile name from drop down.

UX Server Settings

In UX Server Settings, we have the following options:

Figure 266: UX Server Settings
  • Capture Setting
  • Partition Setting
  • Multi Disk Setting
  • Cluster Setting
  • Overload Control Setting
  • DB Upload Setting
  • Memory Reporter Setting
  • Aggregator Setting
  • Parser Setting

Let us discuss them in details.

Capture Setting

In Capture Setting, we have the following fields as shown in below figure.

Figure 267: Capture Setting

In Capture setting, you have the General setting and Advanced Setting. Let us discuss about each of them in detail.

General Setting

In general setting, we have the following fields:

Figure 268: General Setting(Capture Setting)
  • Session Expiry Time: It indicates when the SID will expire and new SID will be generated.
  • Max Session Duration: It define maximum session duration of any NV session.
  • Page Dump: This is used to capture the page dump.
  • Mode: It shows whether the page dump is compression, uncompression or disable.
  • Filter: The filter mode is used for filtering the page dump and giving filter value if filter mode is 1.
  • Location Mode: It is used for mapping all ipv4 and ipv6 location.
  • Store: It is used to enable store and terminals.
  • Total number of terminals
  • Store Client
  • Resource Domain: It is used to specify how many resource domains to capture and frequency indicate at what time resource need to get updated. It has following two fields:
  • Resource Domain Count
  • Resource Domain Frequency
  • High Page Response Mail: It is used to enable high response mail and send mail if page response is high.
  • Form Analytics: It is used to analyze user behavior in online forms.


Advanced Setting

In advanced setting, we have the following fields:

Figure 269: Advanced Setting( Capture Setting)
  • CSV Buffer: It defines when the buffer content is transferred to csv file. For eg- 40 means when 40% buffer is filled it is transferred to csv file.
  • CSP Mode: It will enable Content Security protocol in NV Server.
  • Performance Timing Outlier: In this keyword we can specify some criteria based on that if the timing value is less than outlier provided data, for that time data will be updated in the monitor.
  • Page Loop Event: If a session has continuous repetition of a page and it reaches threshold value then the loop event will be raised.
  • DOS Attack Handling: This setting is used to enable and identifying DOS_Attack_Handling and max request that can be served by NV server.
  • Dynamic Metadata RTC: It allows runtime changes for meta-data attributes. Eg- transactions.
  • Session Duration Threshold Event: Based on the criteria for the session duration threshold, long duration session event will be updated for the page.
  • NV CORS Origin: This setting used to set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin-Header.
  • NV Top Dimension Settings: This is used to fetch (device/domain) at certain interval which we mention and the query will check again at particular frequency.
  • Enable Revenue Stats: This setting is used to revenue stats metrices on the basis of order total and order count.
  • NV Enable Auto Pattern: This setting is used to optimize the URL and resource domain pattern.
  • ND Exception Event: This setting is used to capture the ND related exception and based on that events gets updated in dashboard.


Partition Setting

In partition setting, we have the following fields as shown in the figure below.

Figure 270: Partition Setting

Pattern: This keyword is used to parse the partition setting based on Partition Creation Mode and it will be sync on first switch at mentioned switch duration.

Multi Disk Setting

Multi disk setting is divided into two parts:

  • Disk Summary
  • Disk Allocation Table
Figure 271: Multi Disk Setting

Disk Summary

In disk summary, we have the following fields:

  • File System: Shows the file system of the disk.
  • Mount on: It shows where the disk is mounted on.
  • Size: It shows the size of the disk.
  • Available: Shows the available space in the disk.
  • Health: Shows whether the disk is major, critical or overloaded.
  • Status: It shows the status of the Disk.


Disk Allocation Table

This shows the where the disk is allocated in table format.

Cluster Setting

In the context of user experience (UX), a cluster refers to a group of servers that work together to deliver web content to users. Each server in the cluster typically has its own set of settings and configurations that can impact the performance and user experience of the website or web application being served.

Figure 272: Cluster Setting

Overload Control Setting

In overload control setting you have the following fields as shown in figure below.

Figure 273: Overload Control Setting
  • System Busy Critical threshold
  • System Busy Major threshold
  • Control Step Filter Percentage
  • Control Step Interval(sec)
  • Max Filter Percentage


DB Upload Setting

In DB upload setting, we have the following fields as shown in below figure.

Figure 274: DB Upload Setting
  • DB Upload: It is responsible to dump all NV csv data to corresponding tables.
  • DB trace: It defines the trace level of db_nr process. It has the following fields:
  • Trace level
  • Trace File rollover size(MB)
  • DB Buffer Size settings(MB)
  • DB idle time settings(minutes)
  • Cycle settings

Memory Reporter Setting

Memory Reporter Setting is used for dumping the memory related trace files.

Figure 275: Memory Reporter Setting

In this we have following fields:

  • Trace level: It define NV trace log level.
  • Trace File rollover size(MB): It define NV trace log level size.

Aggregator Setting

You have the following fields in aggregator setting as shown in below figure.

Figure 276: Aggregator Setting

Let us discuss the fields:

  • NV_Aggregator – It enable aggregator process on NetVision Server.
  • Run Mode-It define the aggregator run mode.
  • Trace Level-It define NV trace log level.
  • Trace File rollover size(MB)– It define NV trace log level size.


Parser Setting

 In Parser Setting we have the following fields as shown in below figure.

Figure 277: Parser Setting
  • Parser Name: Shows the parser name.
  • Enable: It shows the parser setting which is enabled/disabled.
  • Schedule At: It shows the online time or scheduled parser time.
  • Progress Interval: Shows the progress interval in secs.
  • Process Old Data: Shows whether particular parser needed the old process data or not.



UX Config

Figure 278: Configuration

Session Events

An event is a situation that a visitor might face while accessing a site. For example – Items out of stock, items not found for international shipping, Invalid reward code, Invalid promo code, Coupon expired, or Session expired, etc.

You can specify whether an event is a Struggling event or not. A struggling event is an event in which a visitor struggles with a particular task and not getting success in that activity, such as an item out of stock, add to bag maximum limit exceeded etc.

To view the existing events:

  1. Click the Configuration icon .
  2. Select Sessions > UX Config. The Events window is displayed by default:
Figure 279: Events

The Events window contains the following attributes:

  • Struggling Event: Specifies whether the event is a struggling event or not.
  • Icons: Represents the icon of the event.
  • Name: Displays the name of the event.
  • Description: Provides a brief description of the event.
  • Goal: Minimum iteration of an event in the session required to mark that session as struggling. Signifies an order list for an event to occur. For example, if the goal is set to 2, then the event will occur when the event count is 2.

You can perform following actions on Events:

  • Add
  • Delete
  • Update


Adding an Event

To add an event:

  1. Click the Add New button on the Events window. The Add Event window is displayed:
Figure 280: Add Event

2. Select the icon for the event from the drop-down list.

3. Enter the Name of the event and provide its description.

4. Provide a description for the event.

5. Enter a value in the Goal field.

Select whether the event belongs to a struggling user event or not.

Click the Add button to save the event.

Deleting an Event

To delete an event:

  1. Select the Event from the list in the Events window.
  2. Click the Delete button. The Event is deleted from the list.

Updating an Event

To update an event:

  1. Select the Event from the list in the Event window and click the Update button, the Event details are displayed for update.
  2. Update the Event details and click the OK button to save the changes.

Page Name

Using the Page Name tab, you can provide a page name and its URL pattern. It is used to filter data based on the page name (entry/exit page). Specific sessions can be searched based on the page name. Admin users can add, delete and update a page name. The same is reflected in the filtered list.

Figure 281: Page Name

The following information is displayed in the Page Name window:

  • Page Name: Shows the name of the page.
  • Method Definition: Definition of the method used.
  • Parameters: Parameters applied on the page
  • Variable Name: Name of the JS variable.
  • Action: Click the delete or edit icon as per the requirement.

Adding a new Page

To add a page name:

  1. Click the Add New button, the Add Page dialog box is displayed.
Figure 282: Add Page

2. Enter the Page name.

3. Select the definition method.

4. URL Pattern: Enter the URL pattern and select the Complete URL check box (if required). Enter the Test URL and click the test button.

5. The added page name is also displayed in the Session filters and feedback filters.

Deleting a Page Name

To delete the Page name, go to Config > Page Name, select the page name and click the Delete button. The record is deleted from the page name list and also from the filter list.

Updating a Page Name

To update a page name, follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Go to Config > Page Name, select the page name and click the Update button. The Update Page Name dialog box is displayed.
  2. Update the details and click the OK button, the page name is updated in the list as well as on the filter list.

Custom Data

The purpose of Custom data is to add customized field and type. It is applied to filter data based on criteria of customized data. Specific sessions can be searched based on custom data. Admin user can add, delete and update custom data. The same is reflected in filter list.

Figure 283: Custom Data

Adding Custom Data

Follow the below mentioned steps for adding custom data:

  1. Go to Config menu and click the Custom Data menu item. The Custom Data window is displayed.
  2. Click the Add button. The Add Custom Data dialog box is displayed.
  3. Enter the Name, Type and Description of Custom data and click OK. The Custom data is added to the list.
  4. The added custom data is also reflected in the drop-down list of Custom Data Filter section.
Figure 284: Add Custom Data

Deleting a Custom Data

To delete the Custom data, go to Config > Custom Data, select the custom data and click the Delete button. The record is deleted from the Custom data list and also from the filter list.

Updating a Custom Data

To update a Custom data, follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Go to Config > Custom Data, select the custom data and click the Update button. The Update Custom Data dialog box is displayed.
  2. Update the details and click the OK button, the Custom data is updated in the list as well as on the filter list.

User Segment

User segments is a group of users having some common behavior or attributes. User segmentation feature can be used to analyze a group of sessions having some similar pattern. It is also useful for A-B testing.

Figure 285: Add User Segment

To define a user segment, you need to provide some rules. Those rules are executed on page navigation (user interaction). A user segment can have multiple rules. When all the rules are passed, session is marked for that user segment.

There are four types of rules:


Some applications segment the users with different values of a cookie.

Example: ABC has done some changes on the Checkout page, but only some of the users are assigned that new page. ABC sets a cookie checkoutPage=new for such users. So, here checkoutPage can be used to segment the user.


Users can be segmented on the basis of clicks they performed. If we want to analyze users who are clicking on a particular button, then this kind of segment can be used.

Example: There is a Rebate button on the PDP page and we want to analyze how many users are clicking that button.


Users can be segmented on the basis of any kind of interaction with part of a webpage.

Example: There is a review section on the PDP page and we want to get an idea of how many uses are doing any kind of interaction with the review section.

Note: Interaction can be click, change etc.


A channel is the medium through which a user can access the site. It could be a mobile, tablet, desktop, or any other device. Here, a few examples of channels are – mobile, dotcom, or POSF device.

An admin user can view a list of configured channels and can add/update/delete the channels as well. To do this, go to the Config menu and click the Channel menu item. The Channel Configuration section is displayed.

 This section displays a list of configured channels, their type, and number of rules. Rules can be configured based on the domain or cookie. User can perform following actions in this section:

Figure 286: Channel

Add Channel

To add a channel, fill the following fields.

Figure 287: Add Channel Name

Fill the following fields to add channel:

  • Name: Enter the name of the channel.
  • Type: Select the type from the drop down.
  • Selection Rule: Select the rule as domain or cookie.
  • URL: Enter the URL in this field.

Check Point

Check Points are used to match a certain string, which is displayed on the site on the occurrence of an event, such as Coupon expired, Item out of stock, Session expired etc.  The check points are mapped with Events. When a string is matched, the associated Event name is displayed in session.

To view the created check points:

  1. Click the Configuration icon .
  2. Select Sessions > Check Point. The following window is displayed:
Figure 288: Check Point

The Check Point window contains following attributes:

  • Status: It specifies the status of Checkpoint. It can be either Active or Inactive.
  • Check Point Name: Specifies the name of the checkpoint.
  • Page: Specifies the page on which the Checkpoint is applied.
  • Scope: Specifies the page load criteria – Dom Change/Complete DOM.
  • Selector/URL: It is the CSS selector of the element on which we are applying checkpoint.
  • Rules: Specifies the number of rules applied in the checkpoint.
  • Matching Criteria: It specifies the matching criteria of the Checkpoint. For example – matching of specific text or matching of prefix and suffix text.
  • Event Name: It is the name of the event to which the Checkpoint is mapped.
  • Actions: Enables you to update or delete the required checkpoint.


You can perform following actions on Checkpoints:

  • Add
  • Delete
  • Update

Adding a Check Point

To add a check point:

Click the Add button on the Checkpoint window. The Add Check Point window is displayed.

Figure 289: Add Check Point

In the Add Check Point window, you can configure the following settings:

  • Define Checkpoint
  • Specify Rules
  • Match Criteria
  • Select an action to trigger an event.
  • Save your checkpoint configuration settings.

Define Checkpoint

In the Define Checkpoint section of the Add Check Point window, specify the following settings:

  • Provide a name for the Checkpoint.
  • Select the Scope of the page from the following options:
    • Complete DOM: Complete page is loaded
    • DOM Change: Only specific part of page is loaded
    • All: Combination of both (Complete DOM and DOM Change)
    • Both domchange & completeDom: Fire checkpoint when either of the conditions gets true.
    • Http Response: Fire checkpoint when XHR success request contains response in JSON format and user configures for it.
    • Http Response Header: Fire checkpoint when user checks for XHR success request response header (Content-Length, cache-control etc.).
    • Both Http response & Response Header: Fire checkpoint when either of the conditions satisfies.
  • Enter the DOM selector name.
  • Select the page where you want to apply the checkpoint.

Specify Rules for the checkpoint

In the Rules section of the Add Check Point window, define rules for your checkpoint:

  1. Click the Edit button in the Rules section. The Define Selector dialog box is displayed.
Figure 290: Define Selector

2. Choose a Selector type to pick text based on the given scope. You can select one of the following type of selectors, which further require different parameters:

Specific Text Pattern

Left Bound Right Bound

Jsonpath Selector

3. Enable the Regex field:

Enter the string name.

Click Test to verify the test string.

Note: Enable the Ignore case option to pass the rule for any type of text.

4. Click Save.

5. Click Add to include the rule.

Figure 291: Add Rule

Match Criteria

After specifying the rules, you need to specify some string-based match criteria:

  1. If the match criteria are based on specific text, then select this option and provide the text string. User also needs to specify the condition for event generation from the following options:
  • Match Text found
  • Match Text not found
  1. If the match criteria are based on start and end of string, then select this option and provide the start string and end string. Users also need to specify the condition of event generation.
  • Match Text found
  • Match Text not found
  • Length of content between start and end string less than or equal to what number
  • Value of content between start and end string is equal/not equal to a specified string or contains a specific part of the string.
  1. After this, user needs to specify the match text in page response
  • If match criteria are on all pages, then select the All pages option.
  • If match criteria are to be applied on specific pages only, then select the Specified option and select the page using the button.

Define an Action

In the Action section, select a trigger event for invoking the checkpoint.


Deleting a Checkpoint

To remove a checkpoint from the list, Click the Delete icon  in the Actions column of the selected Checkpoint.

Updating a Checkpoint

Follow the below mentioned steps for updating a Checkpoint:

  1. Open the Checkpoint window.

Click the Edit icon  in the Actions column for the required checkpoint name.

Figure 292: Updating Check Point Name

3. Update the Checkpoint details as per your requirements.

4. Click Update.

Business Process

Business process is a flow of page navigation, which is crucial from a business point of view. Users can generate a funnel to see the user’s behavior on those pages. It is used to trace and analyze the processes/sub-processes, user issues etc. Users can generate a funnel visualization based on some filters which are applied on Business processes.

Figure 293: Business Process

Add Business Process

To add a new business process, click on the Add button. You will get the following dialog box:

Figure 294: Add Business Process

Following are the fields in this dialog box:

  • BP Name: Enter the name of Business Process.
  • BP Description: Enter the business process description.
  • Active: Select active or inactive from the option.
  • Checkout BP: Enable or disable checkout as per requirement.
  • Channel: Select the available channel from the drop down.
  • User Segment: Select the available user segment name.

Baseline Settings

Baseline is a dynamic threshold that is derived from historical trends. A baseline can move or change over a period of time based on the current trend. A user can configure the trend-timeline to be considered to create a baseline. Behavior alerts work on comparing current data points (metric data) with the baseline data and upon its breach, a behavior alert is triggered.

Page Baseline Settings

Page Baseline Settings contains baseline values for page performance metrics. To access, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the Configuration icon .
  2. Select Page-baseline settings from Baseline settings as shown below.
Figure 295: Page Baseline Settings

3. Select the duration for generating a baseline:

  • Last: Select the time duration from the Last drop-down list.
  • Specified: Provide the start date and end date for generating a baseline.

4. Click the Generate Baseline button. The Page Baseline details are generated:

Figure 296: Page Baseline

It has following columns:

  • Page name(ms): Name of the page set as baseline.
  • Onload(ms): Onload time occurs when the processing of the page is complete and all resources of the page have finished downloading.
  • TTFB(ms): Time to first byte (TTFB) is a metric for determining the responsiveness of a web server. It measures the amount of time between creating a connection to the server and downloading the contents of a web page.
  • TTDI(ms): It stands for Time to DOM interactive. This is the point where the browser has finished loading and parsing HTML.
  • Wait(ms):
  • TTI(ms): Time To Interactive is when the website is visually usable and engaging.
  • PRT(ms): Perceived Render Time is the time when the viewpoint area of the client browser is visually complete.
  • FP(ms): First Paint timestamp reports when the browser started to render the page after navigation.
  • FCP(ms): First Content Paint Timestamp reporting the time when any content is painted i.e. something defined in the DOM.
  • Redirect(ms): Duration taken to redirect resource baseline.

Resource-Baseline Settings

Figure 297: Resource Baseline

It has the following columns:

  • Domain Pattern: Domain use as the resource baseline.
  • Duration(ms): Shows the duration of resource baseline.
  • DNS(ms): DNS resolution time is the time required to resolve the host name.
  • Redirect(ms): Duration taken to redirect resource baseline.
  • Connect(ms): Time taken to connect resource baseline.
  • SSL(ms): This is the time required for SSL negotiation.
  • Wait(ms): Shows the wait time resource baseline.

Download(ms): Total time taken in downloading the main URL response.

Log Query Settings

On clicking “Log Query Setting”, you can edit a query. The following fields are displayed:

Figure 298: Log Query Settings
  • Name: This represents the name of the query and its description.
  • Value: This represents the arguments used in the query.
  • Action: On clicking edit icon, you can change the argument value and save it by clicking the “Save” button.
  • Delete: On clicking delete icon, you can delete the query.
  • Description: It shows the description of the Log Query.